James Cropper PLC
I’m lucky enough to shoot creative product photography for renowned paper maker James Cropper PLC in Zed Studio.
Working with Craig Butterworth from creative agency, Plain Creative, we’ve photographed a full set of imagery to promote their innovative recyclable product packaging product, R3D. http://www.jc3dp.com
The product requires careful lighting to show of the contours of the product and show the texture of the raw materials.
I love working with creative art directors like Craig as allows us to develop ideas together whilst ensuring that the imagery fully meets the client’s needs.
Another of James Cropper PLC’s product ranges is luxury bags for retail. Plain Creative got in touch to see if we could create a shot with a classic 1950s look to promote the product. I was given a reference image to match the general feel of and that dictated the style of lighting, clothing, hair, make-up and choice of model.
I started by working out how the original image had been lit by carefully studying the position of the lights and their size, I then did some test shots in the studio to refine the setup.
The next job was to find the model and after quite a bit of research I found Rachel Hayton who had exactly the right look.
To get the outfit right I got in touch with my hugely talented friend and fashion designer Eleanor Horsley. https://www.horsley.co.uk She created the beautiful jacket especially for the shoot and was on hand to ensure it was fitted correctly throughout the day.
It was a very enjoyable job to work on and Zed Studio provided a perfect location to do the shoot.
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