Lazer Lamps
commissionsPromo for
thatJago Miller
and I shot in January.When Jago asked me to shoot this promo with him I was really excited but covid restrictions and the weather were making it very difficult. After several postponements over 2 months, it all aligned in January, the crew formed a bubble and everything was risk assessed and guidelines adhered to.
Lakeland Land Rover
kindly lent us the new Defender for the shoot, the excellent Rob Jones was cast as our mountain rescue team member and the weather really played ball, giving us rain, snow and perfect winter sun. Coupled with a surreally quiet Lake District, we had a brilliant start.We captured a set of still images, a 2 minute full edit, 1 minute short edit and several 15 second Instagram clips.
It’s always great working with Jago, loads of fun and working together always seems to aid creativity! This time we even edited and graded collaboratively using DaVinci Resolve, 1000 miles apart!
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