Mr Benn
30 years ago I loved nothing more than tucking into a lunch of cheese and cucumber sandwiches in front of our insanely tiny TV.
The wondrous fantasy worlds of Button Moon, the Magic Roundabout and Rainbow had me enthralled, but it was the simply illustrated tales of Mr Benn that really sparked my imagination.
For those of you who didn’t grow up in the 70s or early 80s, a quick education; in each episode Mr Benn, a sharp dressed gent in a bowler hat, leaves his house at 52 Festive Road and visits a fancy-dress costume shop where he tries on a particular outfit. He leaves the shop through a secret door at the back of the changing room and enters the world of his new attire, an adventure laced with gentle morality plays out before the shopkeeper leads him back to the changing room and his dark suit.
To my delight, it recently occurred to me that my working life is starting to mirror that of Mr Benn. The modern trend for comprehensive PPE affords endless opportunities to the working snapper with a penchant for dressing-up. Here are a few of my favorites from the last year or so.